Find Your Photos
Good day runners!
Face Recognition Technology Photos Of You at KLSCM 2022!
We know that for a lot of you, getting a photo of yourself along the route of your run is something to cherish and serves as a great memento of your KLSCM 2022 accomplishment. So this year, we implemented a cool face recognition feature where you can search our photo archives for any photo of you out on the route and purchase them for remembrance. All you need to do is upload photos of yourself onto the face recognition website and search for all photos of you that may have been captured by our cameras at KLSCM 2022. Just follow the steps below:
- Upload a photo of yourself (make sure your face can be seen clearly). You can upload up to 10 photos of yourself for higher accuracy in matching.
- Once your photo has been uploaded, click “Search”
- All your matched photos should come up in your search. If it doesn’t, you can try again with other photos of yourself although there is a possibility that you were not captured by our cameras.
- Once your photos appear in the search, preview and select the photos you wish to purchase.
- Please ensure you have the correct photos, and provide all necessary details upon check out.
- Click “Make Payment” and choose your preferred payment method.
- Once your payment is successful, a receipt together with a link, will be emailed to you for your reference.
- You can now download your high-resolution photo without the watermark.
- The photos are priced at RM9.00 per photo.
Click the button below to start searching and get that amazing photos of yourself at KLSCM 2022!