Registration Fees

  • 15% discount when you pay using Standard Chartered Journey Mastercard, Priority Banking Visa Infinite, Priority Banking Mastercard Debit Card, and Saadiq Priority Banking Mastercard Debit Card-i. 
  • Participants who are eligible for more than one discount will only enjoy single highest discounted rate available upon checkout. Offer cannot be combined with other promotional prices or discounts.
  • The 15% discount only available for the above-mentiond Standard Chartered cards issued in Malaysia.
  • Discount on registration is only applicable for Individual, Kids Dash, and Foreign Residents categories.
  • Malaysian Residents include Malaysian citizens residing in Malaysia, permanent residents in Malaysia, and expatriates who hold a legal pass/permit residing in Malaysia. Malaysian citizens living abroad are excluded.
  • All registration fees are subject to 8% SST. 

Marathon (42.195km)

Entry Fee

Malaysian Residents (RM) 139
Non-Malaysian Residents (USD) 90
Half Marathon (21.0975km)

Entry Fee

Malaysian Residents (RM) 124
Non-Malaysian Residents (USD) 75
Boost Juice 10km (Speed, Cruise & Leisure)

Entry Fee

Malaysian Residents (RM) 104
Non-Malaysian Residents (USD) 60
5km (Speed & Fun Run)

Entry Fee

Malaysian Residents (RM) 94
Non-Malaysian Residents (USD) 50
10km Corporate Challenge (Cruise)

Entry Fee

Malaysian Residents (RM) 94
2km Kids Dash (Speed & Fun Run)

Entry Fee

Malaysian Residents (RM) 54
Non-Malaysian Residents (USD) 20
1km Kids Dash (Speed & Fun Run)

Entry Fee

Malaysian Residents (RM) 54
Non-Malaysian Residents (USD) 20