Terms & Conditions


1. By signing up for and providing any information, personal or otherwise, in order to gain access to any product(s) and/or service(s) and/or participate in any programme(s), event(s), talk(s), demonstration(s) or any other activities involving the Organiser and the event sponsors (“the sponsors”), the individual is deemed to have given explicit permission for the Organiser and the Sponsors to collect, analyse, collate, share, disclose to third parties, sell and/or otherwise use without any liability to the individual, any personal information relating to that individual as may in its sole discretion deem fit, including without any limitation for its programmes, planning, data-processing and statistical or risk-analysis, research, fund-raising and/or any other purposes in furtherance of the functions. The Organiser and the Sponsors declare by virtue of being the event owner or sponsor, they can use services of third parties;

1. For development or implementation of programmes, products or services as it may deem necessary;

2. For outsourcing of any programme(s), event(s), talk(s), demonstration(s) and/or any activities;

3. For promotional, marketing and/or administrative purposes;

4. For all purposes as required by law, including without limitation court proceedings, criminal investigations or prosecutions or where so ordered by any competent authority.

5. In connection with any proposed novation, assignment, transfer, sale, lease, license, partnership, joint-organising and/or any collaboration where and when required in relation thereto.

2. Completion of the official registration/application form, including online and offline registrations, confirms the volunteer’s agreement to abide by these Terms and Conditions, and the Privacy Policy. Please visit Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon website to read the Privacy Policy.


3. To register as a volunteer, you must be 18 years old or older as of 1 January 2024.

4. Volunteers must ensure that information and details provided are correct. Information on briefing and reporting dates and any other important information will be disseminated via the email address provided.

5. All volunteers must be able to commit to the time schedules provided on the website. Trainings (if applicable) and briefings are mandatory for all volunteers, as important and useful information will be disseminated. Details for training or briefing sessions will be provided on the website. An email reminder will be sent to you prior to the trainings or briefings or any other key dates.

6. Volunteers will be allocated their preferred duties as far as possible, based on related experience or special skills they may have. However, the Organiser reserves the right to reallocate positions and duties should the need arise.

7. Registering your interest via the official website does not confirm your appointment as a volunteer for the Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon 2023. The Organiser will review all application of interest and only shortlisted applicants will be notified via email/SMS/phone call latest by 7 days before Race Day.

8. Volunteers are advised to inform the Organiser of any changes in their contact details immediately to ensure the latest data of the volunteers are kept so that the Organiser is able to reach them for any news and updates pertaining to the event.

9. Volunteers who wish to withdraw from the event must inform the Organiser of their intention by email immediately.

10. A face-to-face interview shall be conducted for volunteers short listed for “Volunteer Leader” positions.

11. Volunteers can select to volunteer for any or the entire 6 event dates.

Conduct and Dress Code

12. Volunteers are required to report punctually at the times stated by the Organiser.

13. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to keep the contact details of their leaders for emergency purposes.

14. Volunteers are strongly advised not to wear slippers, sandals or any other form of footwear that exposes their toes on any volunteering day.

15. Volunteers are not allowed to wear branded apparel on working days that may conflict with the event Sponsors.

16. Volunteers are expected to wear the Volunteer T-Shirt (provided) and display accreditation pass at all times while on duty. Accreditation passes are non-transferrable and give you access only to areas where you are required to perform your duties.

17. Volunteer T-Shirts are to be kept clean and appearance must be neat.

18. No volunteer is permitted to remove or make copies of any documents pertaining to the event without prior approval of the organising team.

19. Release of any confidential information to unauthorised persons can result in dismissal from duty and could involve result in legal proceedings against you.

Volunteer Entitlements

20. Each volunteer will receive one Volunteer T-shirt if he/she works a single day and maximum of two Volunteer T-Shirts should he/she works more than a single day. Should he/she work more than two days, he/she is expected to recycle the two T-shirts provided to them.

21. Volunteers who do not fulfil the required duties as per their allocation may not be entitled to the volunteer’s certificate and allowance. This includes leaving early and/or arriving late. Should the volunteer have valid reasons, Organiser reserves the right to decide if he/she should get the volunteer’s certificate and allowance on a case by case basis.

22. Volunteers will be able to download the volunteer’s certificate from the website after the event. Only eligible volunteers who participated are entitled to the volunteer’s certificate.

Administrative Matters

23. Volunteer Handbook (if any) will only be given out during the volunteers' briefing.

24. Any emails or enquiries will be replied or attended to within 3 working days.

25. The Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of volunteers for any legitimate purpose, including commercial advertising.

Dismissal of Volunteers

26. The Organiser will reserve the rights to dismiss the volunteer from his/her duties based on any of the following reasons:

1. Dishonesty (including but not limited to provision of false information during registration)

2. Theft case (including but not limited to stealing of runners' entitlements/souvenirs) will be referred to the police.

3. Absenteeism (including but not limited to absence of duty without informing respective leaders or the Organiser).

4. Inappropriate behaviour (including but not limited to being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and smoking while on duty).

27. Volunteers who are dismissed based on the above reason(s) and/or reasons that the Organiser deem unacceptable may be blacklisted and not allowed to volunteer for future Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon.


28. The Organiser intends to provide volunteers an environment that is pleasant, healthy, comfortable and free from intimidation, hostility or other offenses, which might interfere in the course of the volunteer experience. All harassment offences of any sort will not be tolerated and should be reported to your respective leaders immediately.

Risk Management

29. Insurance Coverage: 
Basic insurance coverage is provided for each volunteer. This includes accidental medical expenses and personal accident insurance coverage (depending on circumstances on how and when the accident occurred).

30. Accident & Emergencies:

1. Volunteers are advised to be aware of their own safety.

2. In case of injury while volunteering, please contact the nearest medical point.

3. All injuries need to be reported to your leader and subsequently should be relayed to the Organisers.

4. In cases of serious accidents or injuries involving the public. Do not move the victim if you suspect a head, neck or spinal injury. Keep the victim warm to prevent shock until help has arrived. If you are at all unsure, let someone who is trained in first aid to assist and wait for the emergency services to arrive.

5. If you are approached by the media about an accident, you are expected to withhold any information and refer them to the media tent.

Indemnity and Release

31. The Organiser reserves the right to limit and/or refuse entry to any volunteer without provision of reason and/or notice.

32. The volunteers register and volunteer solely at their own risks. The Organiser and Sponsors will not be responsible or held liable in any way for any loss or damage, injury or death howsoever arising from before, during or after participation as a volunteer in Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon.

33. By submitting your volunteer registration/application, you are deemed to have read, understood and agree to abide by all the Terms and Conditions as set forth by the Organiser.